Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Celebrate Get Ready Day Sept. 19 and spread the word about the importance of preparedness

It’s almost time for Get Ready Day — and that means it’s time to celebrate preparedness!

Held each year on the third Tuesday in September, APHA's Get Ready Day is timed to coincide with National Preparedness Month. This year, the 11th annual observance is on Sept. 19. That’s just a few weeks away, so now is the perfect time to start planning.

The good news is that the Get Ready campaign has free tools to make planning easy. Our Get Ready Event Guide offers a variety of event ideas, from holding a health fair to an emergency preparedness talk, and suggests partners to team up with, such as fire departments and local schools.

The guide gives you an event checklist and even a sample donation letter and news release you could use to further promote your event. And don’t forget our dozens of fact sheets on preparedness topics! 

If you need cool giveaways for your event, check out the Get Ready Store for items you can order now and hand out.

No time to hold an event? Post a message about Get Ready Day on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and encourage others to take part and spread the word. For Twitter, use the #GetReadyDay hashtag, and follow us at @GetReady.

We’re looking forward to celebrating preparedness with you!

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