Thursday, February 28, 2019

New infographics share 10 fast facts to help you prepare

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed these days. You might even feel it’s hard to find time to prepare for emergencies. Luckily, APHA’s Get Ready campaign is here to help you stress less. We have two new infographics with five fast facts that everyone can use to get prepared. 

Our new infographic on “go-bags” will help you get ready to go quickly during an emergency. You’ll learn five essential types of supplies you need in every go-bag. The infographic is quick and easy to follow. If you’re wondering why you need a go-bag or want more supplies, our go-bag fact sheet can fill you in.

Measles has been in the news lately, and for good reason — it’s dangerous. It’s really important to get vaccinated and protect yourself, your family and community from this highly contagious disease. Our new measles prevention infographic can help you share that message.

Get Ready infographics are perfect for sharing at the office, at school, in the community or at home. Check out our full lineup. There’s even space at the bottom to add your logo!

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