Friday, November 22, 2019

Are you ready for a quake? Debunking the myths and sharing the facts

We know earthquakes can be scary. They’re unpredictable and can happen anywhere. But there’s good news: Preparing for earthquakes can help keep you safe.

First, let’s debunk some common earthquake myths:

MYTH: Earthquakes don’t happen where I live.
FACT: Major earthquakes happen in all regions across the country. They can happen at any time and in any place, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible.

MYTH: The best thing to do when you feel an earthquake is to stand in a door frame.
FACT: The best plan of action when you feel an earthquake is to drop, cover and hold on.
Following these steps will give you the best opportunity to stay safe.

Now that you know the facts, it’s time to prepare. Having emergency supplies is the first step. Here’s what’s best to have in your earthquake emergency kit:

1. Water: We use water for drinking, cooking and washing. Experts recommend that everyone has at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. Don’t forget your pets!

2. Food: Having shelf-stable foods — like canned goods, peanut butter and dried fruit — means they will keep longer, even without power. Healthy food in your supply can give you energy if you are asked to evacuate.

3. Small hygiene kit : Staying clean with hand sanitizer and wipes can help prevent the spread of germs.

4. First-aid kit: This is an essential! You can find small first-aid kits at many stores. If you’d like to create your own, add in gauze, bandages, antiseptic wipes and pain medication, as well as items for special needs you may have.

5. Flashlight + batteries: Earthquakes can be damaging. Losing power is common. Having a reliable flashlight with extra batteries can be helpful when it’s dark.

6. Portable cellphone charger: Your phone can be incredibly helpful for contacting emergency services, family members or even using the GPS functions if you are lost. You may not have access to a power outlet, so having a portable or solar charger is key.

Knowledge and preparedness are the best ways to prevent injury in disaster situations. Make sure you and your household have discussed earthquake safety procedures.

Help spread the word about earthquake safety by downloading and printing our Get Ready fact sheet, which is available in English or Spanish.You can even add your own logo!

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