Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mask for Who?

The U.S. recently reached 4 million COVID-19 cases. Some states are now requiring the public to wear masks. Masks are useful in slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Cloth masks can block as much as 50% of tiny droplets that come from your mouth or nose during breathing or talking. Without a mask, those droplets can reach others and make them sick.

APHA’s Get Ready team has launched the #Mask4Who social media campaign to help spread the word about the importance of masks.
We’re encouraging people to wear their masks, but with a slight twist. We want to know who you wear your mask for.
Some people may wear their masks for their children, parents or grandparents. Others may wear it for their friends, co-workers or neighbors. Whatever the case may be, there are people in all our lives who need us to help them stay safe.

To be part of #Mask4Who:
1. Get your favorite mask and put it on. Remember, it should cover both your nose and chin! 
2. Take picture of yourself with your mask. You can also include your family or others in your safety bubble with their masks. 
3. Share it! Post your photo on social media using #Mask4Who. We may even share your post with our followers.

This way, you’ll be sharing an important message, not germs.

And thanks for following the simple public health intervention that can help keep us all safe. See you online!

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