Friday, August 07, 2020

Get Ready unveils summer infographics

Living in a pandemic involves a lot of unknowns. Though there are constant updates coming out, all of that information can be overwhelming. This summer, Get Ready has released new infographics to help you navigate this information and stay prepared. These infographics are all available on @GetReady on Twitter.

In the graphic called “Physical Distancing,” there are tips on how to protect each other from infection. One of the most effective ways to stop the spread of the coronavirus is through limiting the interactions we have with those outside our household. The easiest way to do that is to stay home. This limits the spread of the virus by those who may not know they have it.

When you do need to go out and interact with others in public, make sure to wear a mask! They help reduce the spread of the virus. Our “Masks: The basics” graphic makes it easy to understand.
The “Summer heat and COVID-19” graphic covers two health threats at once.  It shows how to prepare for the summer heat while staying safe from infection. For more information on preparing for the summer, refer to our heatwave fact sheet.

On social media, we’ve launched the #Mask4Who campaign. Take a picture in your mask and tell us who you wear it for! Our quick guide reminds you the right way to wear one.

All of the Get Ready infographics are easy to download and share. You can add your own logo to the bottom and post in your school, work, apartment building or doctor’s office. They’re an easy way to let people know how to stay safe! For more general information on the coronavirus pandemic, view our fact sheet

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