Last week, during
National Public Health Week, APHA’s Get Ready team prepared and tasted all of the entries into our
Emergency Stockpile Recipe Contest. Announced in March, the contest challenged cooks to come up with a healthy, tasty recipe they could make from non-perishable foods that they would have in their emergency stockpile — no cooking or heating allowed.
Overall, judges were impressed by the creativity and taste of the recipes. We’re proud to say that our Get Ready Blog readers have definitely raised the bar on eating well during an emergency!
The votes are in, and we’re very pleased to announce
our winners:
Easy Orange Curry Chickpeas
Submitted by Jess Apfe of Berkeley, Calif.
Our staff was really impressed by this recipe — several people remarked that they would serve this dish “even if it wasn’t an emergency!” Aside from the great taste, we also liked that the recipe was high in fiber and protein and great for vegans or gluten-free eaters.
Black Bean Casserole
Submitted by Sandy Dulany of Springdale, Ark.
This was another popular dish. It was easy to prepare, and the addition of peanut butter added a nice touch of sweetness. As Dulany wrote with her submission, emergencies are more than just tornadoes, so it’s important to get ready for anything that comes your way. “Think snowstorms, power outages,” Dulany wrote. “Life happens — be prepared!”
Aloha Chicken Poppers
Submitted by Kadija Anna Bridgewater of Deerfield Beach, Fla.
Brigewater describes her Aloha Chicken Poppers this way: “An easy-to-prepare chicken salad with a sweet taste of Hawaii. It is served on crackers, and is sure to be a hit with the whole family!” It was definitely a hit with APHA’s Get Ready team!
Troubled Times Trifle
Submitted by Heather Anne Kennedy of Troy, Ohio
This dessert was popular with the Get Ready team, who liked the taste as much as its preparation. We loved that the directions included steps for kids to help out, as preparing food could be a fun way to distract children during an emergency. And we loved Kennedy’s story: “My grandfather always said that a good trifle recipe could settle disputes, reconcile friends and perhaps even stop a war — it’s perfect in good times and in times of crisis.”
All four of our top winners will receive a three-day emergency kit from the American Red Cross.
We had so many great recipes that we selected four
runner-up recipes as well:
Emergency AAC Rolls
Submitted by Kellie Foglio of Salem, Wis.
We loved that Kellie included alfalfa seeds, which she turned into sprouts using water and a little sunlight. Fresh greens during an emergency!
Southern Style “Barbeque”
Submitted by Jennifer Short of Terra Alta, W.Va.
If you add BBQ sauce to a can of tuna, it tastes like barbeque chicken! Who knew?
Black Bean and Corn Salad
Submitted by Judy Wu of Evanston, Ill.
This black bean salad was tasty, easy and vegan-friendly.
Curried Chicken and Artichoke Salad
Submitted by Mary Marlowe Leverette of Columbia, S. C.
Thanks to this recipe, the Get Ready team was convinced that we need to add canned artichokes and curry powder to our emergency stockpiles!
Our four runners-up will take home a Get Ready apron to wear during their next emergency (or any day) cooking session.
Don’t these recipes sound delicious? Head over to our new
recipe page to get the full details and get some great ideas to improve your emergency culinary skills.