Friday, May 22, 2009

Planning ahead is important for hurricane preparedness

If you could be any animal, wouldn't it be great to be a bird? You never have to wait in line for the restroom, you know the weather before it's on the news and if a storm approaches, it's pretty easy to evacuate. Unfortunately, as a human, preparing for a storm such as a hurricane requires more planning and information.

Hurricanes have the potential to cause flooding, destroy homes, spawn tornadoes, contaminate the water supply and cause other threats to health. During Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast in 2005, many people were left stranded without food and water and more than 1800 people died. So it is very important to stay abreast of information as a hurricane develops.

Before a hurricane hits, make sure you know where high-risk areas are in your community, where to evacuate to and what to do in the aftermath. The better you stay updated and informed during hurricane season — which is during the months of May to November — the better you will be able to prepare.

Have an out-of-town evacuation place predetermined, and make sure your gas tank is full. Develop a hurricane supply kit and "go-bag" for you and your family, including pets. Your supplies should include non-perishable food items, identification, important documents, money and necessary medications. Because of flooding, the water supply could be contaminated, so you should enough water stored to last for three to seven days — at least one gallon per person per day.

If the weather looks like it is turning bad or there is a hurricane warning in effect, keep the TV or radio on and stay up on what's happening so you'll be ready to make like a bird and leave quickly. Listen for warning sirens as well.

Hurricanes, like anything natural, can be unpredictable. But if you stay informed, you'll know what you need to do to prepare for any hurricane, despite its severity. And that's not birdbrained at all.

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