If you have any interest in finding the answers to any of these questions (and you definitely should), then check out the seven new fact sheets from APHA’s Get Ready campaign. These educational tools

* H1N1 flu, often referred to as swine flu (PDF)
* earthquakes (PDF)
* floods (PDF)
* heat waves (PDF)
* power outages (PDF)
* winter storms (PDF)
* emergencies at work (PDF)
The new fact sheets are available in both English and Spanish. Use the information to educate yourself and your family, pass them out at a health fair, post them on campus or share them in the community. You can even add your group’s logo to the fact sheets on our Get Ready customization page.
Each of the fact sheets teaches you how to prepare for disasters, what to do during the actual emergency itself and how to respond after the crisis has passed. Help spread the word on how to deal with each of these ever-present public health hazards. Get ready and educate!
1 comment:
The H1N1 is timely, and I like that it is Spanish. Thanks!
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